Hey, my name is Roy, and I'm lazy.. Well, not 100% lazy but whenever it comes to sports I am. In April I will turn 36 and my height and weight are 173 cm and 75 kg. Half a year ago when I came to the conclusion that it's about time to take my health seriously I weighed 84 kg. Not that bad but still considered obese and my blood tests were not amazing.
One of the reasons I have started taking care of myself was my mom. She has the same laziness that I have, and although she is fine most of the time, her body fails every now and then because she didn't start exercising in time. They say that whatever you do to your body, you can fix it until you turn 28..
In short, started working out and paid attention to what I eat.
In order to succeed I had to change the way I was thinking. So I told myself three things:
- Doing sports will not kill me and I will find some sport that I will not hate to do.
- Eating healthy will not make me miserable.
- I am the only one that can make this change happen.
So, I went to a local dietitian once a week for 10 sessions. She helped me understand what's my sweet spot in terms of weight and I learned how to eat accordingly. For me it was 1800 calories per day. I am not on a weight loss diet, this is the number of calories that I need to eat every day to stay 73.5 kg.
The second thing I did is that I started working out.
Every Monday and Thursday morning at 8:00 after dropping the kids at school, I go to the park with my suspension band, water, headphones and keys. At the beginning I did a 20 minutes walk and then 20 minutes suspension exercises, now I run the first 20 minutes.
- I started loosing weight.
- I started feeling better with myself. If I missed a training I felt bad, if I ate too much I felt bad.
BTW, my blood tests are now normal. I am not a sportsman, I am a regular guy that enjoys life and food, and somehow managed to find an acceptable solution to live healthier.